Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Job Opportunity

Anyone want to watch my kids tomorrow afternoon so that I can go shopping?
Anyone? No? You sure? They are cute, and well behaved, and Abby's diarrhea is clearing up, and Nora's nose is running only because she is getting a tooth, it isn't the kukamunga flu again. We are immune now. Really, we are. Did I mention that they are cute?
Wait, where are you going?

Seriously I need someone to watch my kids tomorrow. Usually I rely on my mom or my MIL, but my mom has plans that don't really jive with my hopes and dreams for tomorrow, and I will not be asking my MIL for help anytime soon. I also have my friend Karen, but she has a real job working nights and I have to work within her need for sleep. What I need is a nanny, but where do you find someone willing to watch your kids occasionally during the day? Most candidates are at work or school. My neighbor found her nanny on Craigslist, which I have scoured daily for the past 2 weeks, but it is all people seeking help, or an alternative lifestyle partner. Any suggestions? Or have you changed your mind about coming to watch my kids tomorrow? Does about 2 work for you? Great, I'll be home by 6 or so. Tim may get home before I do, but don't count on it. See you then!

1 comment:

Indie Mama said...

I'm not sure you'd want us - my kid has some truely gross green goo coming out of her nose... = ) good luck!