Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Feeding Time at the Zoo

It makes my mom crazy that I do not clean out Nora's high chair after every meal. Unless there is a huge rotting stick mess, the thing gets cleaned out after dinner. You may think its gross, but that is how we roll here.
Anyway...I have noticed lately that sometimes at weird times of the day she goes over to the high chair, pulls herself up, and will start eating out of the foot rest, the seat, or off the floor. We call it the snack bar, and it is kind of funny. A problem has arisen, however, and I now try to clean it up everytime she eats. The problem is not ants, or bugs, or mold, it is Abby. I have found that when she doesn't want to eat something she just chucks it into Nora's high chair and hopes I won't notice. The half eaten turkey sandwich yesterday was a dead giveaway. When I confronted her about it, she was sweet and told me that she was just giving Nora more choices at the snack bar.
So now we clean the high chair after every meal which has led to a new problem. When there is not food at the "snack bar" Nora goes directly to the cat food dish. Am I worried that she seems to have eaten her weight in cat food?

1 comment:

amanda said...

Cat food is good for a kid. Look what it has done for my daughter....