Saturday, January 20, 2007

While you were out....

I left at about 12:30pm (CST) today and gave Tim basic child care instructions (i.e. Nora gets a 6oz bottle at about 3). He was on the brink of getting them lunch (probably Happy Meals) and they were going to spend the afternoon together while Tony and I visited Tim2. Stupid me thought that Tim could handle it.
At about 3pm the text messages started coming. Tony and I both got the same one from Tim asking what was happening. We were visiting our ailing friend who got hit by a truck, what did he think was happening? Tony and I decided not to stop for lunch, but hit the store closing sale at the State St Carsons. Tony is always in the market for props for the theater, adn with his upcoming show there are a few specific things he is looking for. We meandered among the mannequin parts and then headed home. Tim called at one point to tellme Abby was hungry. Logic would dictate that he should give her a snack, but I guess that is my logic.
(Brief aside: this guy who has cut my hair still laughs about the time I was there getting foils and a trim when Tim called to tell me that he and the girls were hungry and asked what he should do)
So we get home and Abby is waiting at the door for us. Tim was holding the baby who looked a little teary, but it was about 5, which is her time of day to fuss so I thought nothing of it until TIm announced that he "broke the baby".
Apparently she had fallen and checked her cheek on the speaker. Hey, it happens. She was fine. Tim was not.
It wasn't the incessant text messaging, or calling that made me question leaving Tim alone wiht my pride and joys, and it wasn't Nora's shiner, it was the fact that HE DID NOT FEED MY CHILDREN ALL AFTERNOON! When I asked him what Nora had for lunch he told me that she had the bottle I made before I left. She missed her 3pm bottle, and Abby was apparently "not hungry".

1 comment:

Indie Mama said...

My husband has just now started feeding the baby (anything) - and she's almost a year old. His excuse has always been - 'when I get her into the high chair she's not hungry!'.