Tuesday, May 15, 2007


So Mrs. Materialism's oldest has broken his foot. This is funny because of how he did it and how it was diagnosed.
When I told Tim about this he asked if he was kicking the New Dividend when he did it. No that was not what he was doing, he was at the park and a little girl pushed him off the steps. This is funny because the poor little Bulldozer is only 4 and a half and is already a chauvinist. When we were at the zoo last week he told Abby that she could not throw rocks because she was a girl. He continued to tell her about how his daddy is a doctor and he told him that there were a lot of things girls couldn't do and doctors know everything. Abby held her own (as she does with him) and told him that there were lots of things that girls could do that he couldn't. He now keeps begging his mom for dance lessons.
Anyway, Dr. Materialism diagnosed it as just a boo boo and they went about their weekend. Side note on this is that all I have heard about for the past 4 years has been how wonderful a doctor he is and how he is going to change radiology with his brilliance. I can recite this speech verbatim, along with the one about how in 2 more years they will be making $645,000 a year (side note to the side note this number changes all the time, but it is always some variation of those numbers, $465,000 or $546,000) and will be able to pay off the multiple mortgages, credit cards, student loans etc. A quick anecdote about his medical savvy is that when Mrs. Materialism was sperminated with #3 she had her brilliant radiologist husband give her a little ultra sound to see what sex the baby was. So he does the scan and surprise! its a girl. the next few weeks were filled with a mental redecoration of the nursery and the purchase of a few little pink things. Mrs. Materialism goes to her "real" ultrasound a few weeks later and tried to tell the tech that she wasn't that worried because she already knew that everything was fine and that she was having a girl (maybe named Elsa). The tech had to do her thing anyway, and surprise! its a boy. So Dr. Materialism is maybe not the best radiologist in all the land.
Mrs. Materialism's motherly instinct finally kicked in yesterday and she took the kid in for an x-ray. He now proudly wears a bright green cast on his left foot.
In other news, her middle child, the Whirling Dervish (my God son), tried to flush an entire bag of chips, a diaper, and mommy's Coach wristlet down the toilet. I am so proud.


Christy said...

Wow. These people are fascinating!

amanda said...

May Mrs. M never learn you keep a blog.