Sunday as I was celebrating my favorite holiday, Garbage Eve, I noticed a sickly sweet smell in the air and got kind of annoyed at spring.
I know everyone just loooves the spring because things bloom and everything is nice a pretty and around here you can actually be outside for more than just the duration of the walk to your car without freezing your chabooty off. Yes, spring is lovely, but I think it smells. The flowers are pretty and all, but sometimes it is just too much (an unpopular opinion, I know). I also get mildly irritated by the spring temperatures. Why can't Mother Nature be the one who explains why Abby can wear her "shirt with no sleeves" one day but has to go back to the winter coat the next? Why do I have to be the one who is the ogre telling her that it is too cold out for somethings and too warm out for others?
See, spring is annoying.
But yesterday it rained and Abby and Nora got to engage in every one's favorite activity...puddle jumping.
Is it bad that I let my kids play in a parking lot?
Nora had so much fun, and while we were walking Abby to school this morning she kept pretending to splash, and has been wearing her rain boots everywhere despite the fact that they are too big.
It almost makes up for everything I don't like a bout spring.
too cute!
I want to be there splashing with you guy!
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